Print Ready PDF

Print-Ready is a term used to describe a file that has all the specifications necessary to produce high-resolution printed output, without requiring any additional alteration or intervention.

In other words, we can use the file “as submitted” to successfully create the desired print materials.

The type of file you submit is also an important factor in determining whether a we can successfully print your layout. For example, high-resolution Adobe PDF files are universally accepted (and preferred). Layout files created with other Adobe products – such as InDesign, Illustrator or PhotoShop – also have widespread acceptance, as do QuarkXpress files. EPS and TIF files are also usually good formats.

Conversely, files created with Microsoft programs – such as Word, Publisher or PowerPoint – often require some intervention and conversion to make them Print-Ready. The same holds true for many other popular software programs, especially “non-professional” versions of desktop publishing packages. The file may output to your desktop printer just fine, but these types of software are rarely well-suited for output on a commercial printing press. When in doubt, check with us about acceptable file types beforehand.

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