When do you take payment?

Updated by Alex

We always provide a no obligation estimate for your approval prior to starting on any design or print work.

If you are happy to proceed with the order based on the specification and cost, we will send you a link to pay a deposit of approximately 50% of the estimate total.

At this stage, we will also require your billing details for the invoice (name and address) so that a VAT invoice can be issued.

It is important to note that a VAT invoice is normally only issued once we have received the deposit. 

Once the deposit payment has been received, we will then send you a pdf visual for your approval (if necessary) prior to printing the actual order.
Proofing usually takes one working day and printing takes two to three working days depending on the specification.

When you order is complete the balance of the payment is due and funds will be taken using the same card provided for the original payment unless you instruct us otherwise.

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