Guest names on the invitations and envelopes

Updated by Alex

Forms of Address

It is important to style guests correctly on both the invitation and the envelope, and there are a number of guidelines to follow.

Here are some useful, and commonly used, forms of address:

Name on the Invitation

Name on the Envelope

Married couple where both are well known

Mr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Mr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Married couple with invited children

Mr and Mrs Graham Barlow, Adam and Claire

Mr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Married couple where only the husband is known well

Mr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Mr Graham Barlow

A medical doctor

Dr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Dr and Mrs Graham Barlow

Single man

Mr Mark Barlow

Mr Mark Barlow

Single woman

Miss Miriam Barlow

Miss Miriam Barlow

Widowed woman

Mrs Graham Barlow

Mrs Graham Barlow

Divorced woman

Mrs Janet Barlow

Mrs Janet Barlow

Unmarried couple

Miss Miriam Barlow and Mr Patrick Grant

Miss Miriam Barlow and Mr Patrick Grant

Same sex couple

Mr Edgar Wall and Mr Jon Bates

Mr Edgar Wall and Mr Jon Bates

Single woman and guest where the guest is not known well

Miss Miriam Barlow and Mr Philip Wright

Miss Miriam Barlow

Church of England vicar where the spouse is not known well

Reverend and Mrs Anthony Lambert

The Reverend Anthony Lambert

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