Mount Street Christmas Envelopes and Lining Options

Updated by Aman Raiyat

Our very own envelopes, in red and green - perfect for the festive season!

These particular Christmas envelopes are diamond flap, gummed envelopes - with a blind embossed 'Mount Street Printers' just under the flap when closed. 

Green / Foglia

7.25 x 5.25"

8.25 x 6.25"

165 x 165 mm

Red / Lampone

7.25 x 5.25"

8.25 x 6.25"

165 x 165 mm

Our current lining options for our Christmas envelope range.

Item shown (for illustrative purposes) is a C6 Pure White Envelope with a diamond flap.

If you would like to know more about lining or get in touch to discuss another colour - please do not hesitate to get in touch here.

Christmas Red

Christmas Green

Christmas Blue

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