Proofing Guidelines

Updated by Alex

All Proofs (PDF as well as Hard Copy Proofs) must be checked very carefully as you will be responsible for any errors in the finished product.

When the acceptance of a proof is given, the customer acknowledges that the proof is correct, regardless of the instructions / wording initially provided.


  1. Most importantly, check for spelling mistakes, missing digits, punctuation and accents
  2. Check that you have included all the details you want printed, including dates, times, contact information etc
  3. Check the size, orientation and layout of your design. For this we recommend you print the proof onto paper to view it at the correct size
  4. Please ensure when printing your proof that 'Page Scaling' is set to 'None' (i.e. print the document at 100%)
  5. It is important to note that the colours are approximate only, they may NOT display correctly on screen or when printed on a desktop printer

If you require an amended proof please clearly note the changes required in an email.

We will always await your approval by email before proceeding to print.

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